
New microwave system for eco-efficient fusion in continuous flow for ceramic industry and cements 

The I+D+i project FUSER (INNCAD00/19/108), developed in the period 2019-2021, has a global budget of €171 047,68 co-financed by the Valencian Agency of Innovation (AVI) under the call Consolidation of the business valor chain in the modality of individual project. 

The FUSER Project aims to develop an eco-efficient system based on microwave heating, for fusion processes in continuous flow of materials performing as dielectric and slightly conductors, specifically, ceramic frits and ferric slags. This innovative solution is an alternative to the conventional fusion systems based on gas furnaces allowing, in the long term, the industrial incorporation of high-efficient electric fusion systems at both investment and operational competitive costs. 

The result of the project is a lab scale prototype and a defined procedure based on parameters and basic conditions that brings the obtention of melted materials of industrial interest. 

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