Tuner Wolf
TUNgsten EnRichment metallurgy from WOLFramite and Scheelite ore
The I+D+i project TUNER WOLF (19458-CLCS-2020-11) was developed along 2020 (1-6-2020 – 31-12-2020) with global budget of €180 000 co-funded by EIT RawMaterials under its extraordinary booster call in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
TUNER WOLF aimed to offer a fully new competitive dry metallurgical process, with implementation in mobile plants, to enrich the concentrates of tungstene (W) and polymetallic tungsten ores into intermediate products of commercial relevance (Figure 2).
TUNER WOLF aimed to develop a dry metallurgical process, using only electrical energy, through portable microwave plants, that allows to enrich tungsten ores and to produce intermediate products with commercial value, contributing to maintain and re-open small mines of tungsten in Europe and therefore and the reactivation of the mine area communities.
The market is addressed to mines offering a solution of on-mine mobile plant, but also can be extended to processing plant offering an intermediate process. The high price of W and the limited and disperse mining, appear as a perfect introduction for the technology.
The TUNER WOLF project objectives filled an economic gap in the tungsten supply chain, by developing new enrichment technologies capable of being used at the mine site. The project will contribute to disseminate the new clean, fully electric, portable, water-free and pollutant-free technology for tungsten by generating a demonstrator of the technology that will increase the trust of clients and collaborators.
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